Mack Beggs, a transgender male wrestler from Euless Trinity, competes in the girls 6A state title tournament. Beggs is in the process of transitioning from female to male and taking a low dose of testosterone.
This is the second year in a row, the transgender male wrestler has won the Texas girls’ Class 6A 110-pound division.
“It definitely felt different,” Beggs said, according to the Dallas Morning News. “I felt a lot more humble. This year I wanted to prove a point that anyone can do anything. Even though I was put in this position, even though I didn’t want to be put in this position, even though I wanted to wrestle the guys, I still had to wrestle the girls.”
He entered the state tournament with a 32-0 record, beating three female wrestlers on his way to the championship.
“He has so much respect for all the girls he wrestles,” said Beggs’ mother, Angela McNew. “People think Mack has been beating up on girls. … The girls he wrestles with, they are tough. It has more to do with skill and discipline than strength.”
It was his steroid therapy treatments while wrestling girls that stirred a fierce debate about competitive fairness and transgender rights last season. It’s been a lot quieter since last year when his march to a state championship was dogged by a last-minute lawsuit that tried to stop him.
Transgender rights aside, this is just flat out wrong, and completely unfair. She may identify as a female, but her muscles identify as a mans. Maybe try something else besides wrestling sporto?