Students’ academic life is incomplete without essay writing tasks and assignments. Despite knowing the golden rules of how to write an essay, it is equally important to know what mistakes to avoid to achieve this target. Here are 10 common mistakes to avoid to write a top-notch college essay. 

Neglecting The Essay Brief

 Understanding the topic is a make or break. College prompt or essay brief needs to be followed religiously. You need to deliver what you’re asked for. You can’t talk about the north pole when you are being instructed to write about the south. It is as simple as this. Be very cautious when it comes to your supervisor’s instructions. You can also take help from the same day essay service . Their professional writers allow you to submit a perfect essay that meets all the requirements.


The biggest blunder is students make copy-pasting content for their college essays. Plagiarism is legally and morally malpractice to feel ashamed about. Moreover, university and college professors are equipped with software and application through which chances of getting caught is inevitable. Better to create original and unique content through research and hard work than to plagiarize. 

When to Write an Introduction?

There is no hard and fast rule on when to write your essay introduction, but it is highly recommended to write the intro after completing the essay. Writing your essay introduction, in the end, makes your introduction more impactful. A more clarified and balanced introduction is written after the body or before the concluding paragraph. 

Many students face difficulty in writing an essay and scoring good grades. If you’re in the same boat, a reliable and cheap essay writing service Canada can help.


No matter what, you have to be grammatically correct all the way. At this highest level of university and college essay writing, you need to be spot on with your punctuation, grammar, and composition of sentences. You should know exactly where to use commas, full stops, question marks, or exclamation marks. Therefore, it becomes more important when you know you get scores for writing an essay and crafting a high-quality piece. 

Editing Glitches

Editing is an integral part of any write-up. It is important to proofread what you write. Many students neglect this step and submit the essay without checking for mistakes and errors. Proofreading not only helps you to refine the quality of the paper but also allows you to overcome the overall loopholes in the essay. A well-edited essay has a better flow of ideas and goes well with the reader. Reading your paper aloud thrice before finalizing it to submit is advised. Never submit your paper in haste. You don’t want all your hard work to go in vain because of silly errors that can easily be avoided.


What you say is important, but how you deliver is equally significant. Many students miss this trick and use normal words to write their papers. A good word bank gives you an edge over other students and guarantees good marks. It certainly doesn’t mean you get carried away with being too much extravagant with your vocabulary. It, too, is a common mistake students make while writing papers. 

Using Too Much Passive Voice

Using passive voice in a lot of sentences can make sentences:

  • Longer. 
  • Sound boring.
  • Complicated.

And often, students paraphrase online content and make it in a passive form. As a result, their essay does not appeal to the reader.  

Repetitive Ideas And Arguments

Your idea doesn’t become worthy by mere repetition. Likewise, your argument doesn’t get powerful by repeating it repeatedly. Avoid repeating your examples, ideas, phrases, and arguments to fill the space or reach your word count. Make sure to be creative while writing a paper. Consequently, make sure you don’t repeat the same vocabulary over and over again. Make sure to look for better synonyms and same-meaning words to avoid repetition.


A lot of students have difficulty writing their thoughts precisely. They write long, complex sentences that don’t deliver clear messages. Too many words and jargon can break the flow of the sentence, and the reader may have difficulty understanding the ideas. This is why it is crucial to write short and clear sentences. If the sentence gets long, break it with proper punctuation. 

Many students either don’t realize they are making this mistake or find it hard to write ideas precisely. In that case, an essay writing service Canada can help such students at affordable rates. 


Once the students are finished writing, they normally don’t spare time for proofreading. Skipping this step means overseeing a lot of silly mistakes and submitting a piece full of errors. It is normal to make some mistakes while writing. Thereby, it is essential to proofread before you submit any writing piece.

These were some of the common mistakes that most students make. And to submit a compelling essay, it is essential to avoid all of these mistakes at all costs. So, keep all these in mind when writing your paper.