There are periods when relationships require special treatment. They usually come after a year, three years, 5, 7-8, 10-11, and, finally, 20 years. When one of the partners starts showing aggression, quarrels become normal, and intimacy disappears, giving way to monotony – a crisis is approaching.

Relationship building takes immense effort and, most importantly, the willingness from both sides to overcome crises. Armed with mutual respect and understanding, couples can manage even the nastiest conflicts.

1 year

The first year in a relationship is about getting used to each other. It’s when rose-colored glasses fall off, and couples begin objectively assessing their union. At this stage, partners typically fight over different habits, incompatible temperaments, and financial difficulties. 90% of couples can’t overcome this period and break up – guys go back to the dating scene, chasing less toxic ladies for marriage, and girls take a break before looking for greener pastures. It’s sad because the way to cope with this period is quite simple: learn compromise and let some things slide – if you’re not ok with the partner leaving their stuff lying around, put them in the closet yourself.

3-5 years

This period marks gradual merging – partners adopt each other’s habits. The main thing is to preserve your individuality – the qualities that attracted your loved one. It’s the time when couples decide to

marry, and some may already have kids who complicate the relationship. The wife turns her attention to the baby, and the husband fades into the background. Sharing responsibilities, having occasional breaks from parenting, and even mastering a new profession will boost personal development and help you remain interesting to each other.

7-8 years

The partners develop psychological fatigue from each other, as there’s nothing to discover. It’s time to bring new sensations into the relationship: add more romantic dates or plan a romantic vacation without kids if you have them. If your partner wants to get back in shape, offer them support. After all, sports can be much more fun when you’re together.

10-11 years

You’ve seen a lot over the past years, and it seems like there’s no strength left to revive the relationship. You begin thinking about something thrilling, like starting a dating profile to find love or straight-up having an affair. Often, this time coincides with a midlife crisis. At this point, you should define joint tasks for the development of your union. You should spend more time alone and maintain interest in each other. Avoid conflicts, and don’t criticize your partner.

20 years

The children grew up and left. And some couples may realize they had nothing in common except parenting and file for divorce. The rest have a chance to repair the relationship. Remember your youth and all the good that happened over the years. Take trips to cities you visited long ago or recreate your first date exactly.

Crises are an integral part of relationship development. Without them, you can’t reach a new, mature level. Remember that you chose this person yourself. Both partners must work equally to preserve the union.