Covid-19 has changed the way people live in many ways, including their interest in sports. The following are five outdoor sports that are gaining a new appreciation because of the pandemic.


Golfing allows you to practice social distancing. People don’t even need to work with a caddy if they don’t want to. The sport is outdoors. You get to enjoy beautiful landscapes and escape some of the craziness out there. Some folks tend to play with others in matches and tournaments, but people don’t have to be near others to play or talk. The only question is figuring out where the nearest golf course is and what it’ll cost to get in. Now, golfing isn’t too active, so if that’s what you’re looking for, then this might not work for you.

Mountain Biking

Those looking for an active and exciting outdoor sport should consider mountain biking. This is another outdoor sport that is gaining popularity, thanks to the pandemic. A lot of folks are walking trails and going to state parks nowadays since many things are closed. This could be helping this sport rise in popularity among those who love a little more excitement. You should keep in mind that if you’re thinking of engaging in this sport, you will need a mountain bike and MTB protective gear to help keep you safe. This sport is quite demanding, so make sure you train your body before starting.

Whitewater Rafting

Here’s an exciting sport that helps you enjoy everything the natural world has to offer but with a bit of a kick. This sport can involve a small group of people so that you can do it within social distancing guidelines. Usually, this means you’ll be whitewater rafting with your siblings or a partner. This is one of those sports you shouldn’t do alone even if you’re experienced. The waters are quite rough, and if something were to happen, at least you’ll be with others who can help you get out of trouble.


Another water sport that is gaining popularity is surfing. You don’t have to do this with anyone at all, and you still get to be outdoors. Surfing is suitable for anyone, even if you don’t have a lot of experience. As you gain experience, you can go to areas where the waves are more massive and aggressive. While you are surfing, you don’t have to be in places where people like to be, so you get to social distance. Countless videos can help you learn how to surf if you don’t want to hire an instructor. Once the pandemic is over, you could travel and hit some fantastic beaches around the world.

Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is one of the most demanding outdoor sports, but it’s exciting. While rock climbing saw an uptick in attention last year thanks to the release of the documentary Free Solo, This sport is rising in popularity during the pandemic because you don’t have to be near anyone. You can go rock climbing with others, but you don’t need to be near anyone. It should be pointed out that you can wear a face mask and even face shields as you climb with fellow rock climbers. Talk to your fellow rock climbers so that you’re all on the same page regarding the steps you’ll take to stay safe in this new world.

COVID-19 has changed the way people stay active and have fun. These are just some of the more niche outdoor sports gaining swift popularity during the pandemic.