So, you’ve entered a college and probably have been warned that it’s a hell of a place or, vice versa, welcoming you to the new life you’d definitely like. Well, both versions are not that far from the truth. New friends, acquaintances, parties, a bunch of written assignments, team projects, and so on. This mixture may take all your attention. But there’s one more thing to take care of to be able to do all those things: stay in shape. 

Not in that perfect shape so that everyone envies you and looks at you in awe. Success in those areas isn’t gonna help you much with your studies (probably won’t help at all). We’re talking about the ‘healthy shape’, the one that will give you the strength to wake up every day and persevere. Still, it’s hard to exercise regularly as a student.

It’s a kind of vicious cycle. You need to exercise to be fit enough to move around without difficulties, keep up with assignments, and live a full life, but without enough energy, you don’t really feel like exercising. To get more energy, you need to sleep enough. So, where does it take us? Right, let’s start with winning you some time.

Hack the Rules

This section could be another article like “X Ways to Manage It All,” but let’s be more concise. Some students may be used to a standard schedule: 

  • wake up;
  • have breakfast;
  • go to lectures and workshops;
  • come back home or to the dorm;
  • have a dinner;
  • do homework;
  • go to a party (if there’s time for it at all);
  • go to bed.

At weekends, they may opt for the same routine they’ve been following for years since they used to live with their parents. For some, it’s about cleaning their room or house or doing twice as much work; for others – about lying around doing nothing. Yet ask yourself: is it really your optimal schedule? What if your state of mind and body doesn’t conform to any schedule? 

The latter is quite okay. You may be tired right now and get better a couple of hours later, but only if you don’t push yourself. So, if you feel like placing a custom essay order to unload a tedious task and rest for some time, do that. If you have the energy to do a spring clean in the middle of the week, do it. Feeling better when you study before classes and not in the evening? Go for it!

Experiment with different schedules and try to find what suits you best. These days, class presence is not always obligatory, so your only task is to find a way to catch up with the material when you are more comfortable. 

You can watch or listen to the records of boring lectures in the middle of commuting or doing some chores. Meanwhile, when those take place in real-time, your energy and inspiration may be more useful for writing an essay. Vice versa, if paper writing isn’t your cup of tea, do not waste time on it – delegate it to the pros, and here you have the free time needed for exercising. Voila!

Tweak Your Sleep Schedule

Now, let’s actually talk about when and how much you sleep. Yeah, sleep isn’t for the dead. You realize it as soon as your nervous system crumbles, leaving you with no choice but to sleep all day long without getting any energy. 

As mentioned before, trying to have some rest when you have a pile of assignments to complete often turns into a vicious cycle. You try to finish your paper before the deadline and end up burning the midnight oil. In the morning, you struggle to wake up on time and feel bad. The whole schedule gets messed up in the end. 

So, find the admission essay writing services you might have used earlier to get to your college; they offer much more than short essays. Papers, lab reports, case studies, and so on – all of this is available too. Do care about your sleep – outsource some urgent assignments to have a rest and not stress out because of looming deadlines.

Also, make it a habit to go to bed and wake up at more or less the same hour. You mustn’t follow this habit every single day, but your body and mind should know when they can relax most of the time.

Find a Partner

It’s easier to ditch exercising when you’re alone in it or when you and your gym partner have totally different schedules. So, find a classmate, a roommate, or any other person who has more or less the same curriculum and lifestyle. When one feels lazy to work out, another one will sooner insist on doing it anyway than agreeing to skip the day. 

You can also become each other’s coaches and notice the technique flaws you will probably omit when doing it alone. Finally, if you’re a competitive person, working out with someone else will motivate you.

Use Supplements

Food supplements should be treated with care. Ideally, consult with a doctor or at least your gym coach. Both will know the minimum you need to effectively restore your energy right after exercising and what is essential not to spend hours working out in vain. The sooner you see the result, the more chances you will stay motivated to keep on going. 

Make It Fun

It’s not a must to go to the gym and do a boring routine. This is not for everyone. So, find the kind of sport you’re inclined towards the most. It can be boxing, kayaking, skiing, horseback riding, swimming, and so on. Or you may simply go to beach parties and play baseball or play basketball with your friends between classes.

Try different sports. You mustn’t become a champion in each of those. Just change the area, at least for the sake of working on all muscle groups. At most, you have better chances of being excited about working out when there’s something new every now and then.


Finally, it’s also important to exercise while taking into account your individual body response. You may get sick after jogging in the morning or sleepy if going to the gym in the evening, or vice versa. It’s different for most people. So, do not listen to the recommendations about morning yoga or jogging. You can do those any time of day. 

Do not let social cliches and others’ lifestyles stand in the way of your health and fitness in particular. Good luck!