Athletes are always training and competing, which means they always have some kind of pain and inflammation on or in their bodies. As a result, there are many people who have become addicted to opioids because it helps to instantly treat pain. This is dangerous in the long run as opioids can have severe effects on one’s health in the long run.

Due to this, there are many athletes who are now turning towards more natural and herbal alternatives like cannabis or using healthier methods of consumption, such as the DynaVap M, which can be found here. These athletes are a lot more open about their usage as a result of their experiences. Times have changed and the stigma of marijuana usage has dissipated over the last few years because of the legalization of marijuana which has led to more marijuana becoming available to the public, which means there more which is known about cannabis by others. Many athletes perform at a high level while still actively advocating, and using cannabis. So, without further ado, here is a list of 6 athletes who use cannabis.

Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps is very well known amongst those in the public and is a former competitive swimmer with 28 medals to his name. He was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1985. Michael Phelps, known as an Olympic swimmer with 8 gold medals, was a super athlete who loves cannabis. He was always smoking when in Michigan and his relationship with cannabis is no secret to the public as a photograph was leaked in 2009 in a British tabloid where Phelps was seen holding a bong.

Diaz brothers

Nick and Nate Diaz, who are UFC fighters, perform mixed martial artists. They have smoked vape pens at UFC press conferences with CBD, and they advocate for cannabis and its healing properties unapologetically. Their relationship with cannabis is so strong that it pushed them to open their own CBD company called Game Up Nutrition which they are the founders of.

Ricky Williams 

Ricky Williams, who is an ex-NFL star, formerly played 11 seasons in the National Football League and is well known in the football space. His relationship with marijuana and cannabis is one that many are aware of, and back in the day when marijuana was illegal, he was tested for his usage in 2003 and received a fine that was over half a million dollars. Now, he studies herbalism and the healing effects that plants have on the body. 

Floyd Landis

Floyd Landis is a former cyclist who partook in professional road racing and won the Tour De France until he popped for some steroids. The pain he had throughout his career due to his work was something he was very vocal about and he expressed how opioids didn’t help him with his pain but cannabis did, hence why he decided to switch. He is now a lot more involved in the CBD industry and has his own company called Floyd’s of Leadville. Using cannabis helped him to curb his bad habits and pulled him out of the depths of darkness which was chronic pain.

Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe is well known in the United States of America as a professional soccer player on the American women’s team and is a former World Cup champion. She is not afraid to stand up and advocate for her passions even if it means coming across as controversial in the eyes of most. Her relationship with cannabis and CBD is something that she speaks a lot about, and she is definitely a large part of the big group of athletes who swear upon the benefits of CBD with regards to pain. She wanted a ‘natural option’ that would help her relieve pain from her body and is said to have found that with cannabis.

Eugene Monroe

Eugene Monroe is an NFL player who played 7 seasons as an offensive tackle. He was born in New Jersey and his relationship with cannabis pushed him to become an activist for cannabis, outspoken about his desire for governments to remove cannabis from the list of substances that are banned in the NFL. In fact, he became the first active player to advocate for cannabis usage in the NFL paving the path for others to do the same.