Vehicle lighting has progressed significantly since the automobile revolution. Today, vehicle lighting has become a global trend for car owners. Now, not only offline shops but even online shops such as offers a wide range of vehicle lights at an affordable price.

Innovation has brought to the table a trend in manufacturing vehicle lights that focus on futuristic design, superior performance, and enhanced security. When you are driving a vehicle it is expected that you should know all aspects of it, or at least the basics automaty online. 

Among the parts of a vehicle, it is important to know the different vehicle lights and how to use them.  Vehicle lights will enable you to caution other drivers around you or sign them that you are going to switch to another lane. In the following part of the article we will talk about the different types of vehicle lights and their uses.

1. Headlights

The headlights are generally used to see the street in front of you, especially at night. Sometimes headlights are used to motion other cars of the approaching ones. There are two kinds of headlights: the low beam and the high beam headlights. The low beam headlights are used to illuminate and produce enough lighting without obscuring the view of other drivers.

The high beam headlights produce an immense amount of light that exhibits uncontrollable glare. Since high beam lights are focused straight, unlike the low beam ones that are positioned downward and aimed outward, they can be blinding to an approaching vehicle, so they should be used at nights when there are no other vehicles coming from the opposite direction.

Generally, different bulbs are used to produce low beam and high beam of light, so in the event that one stops working the other may temporarily serve the purpose. High beam lights are helpful for driving at night on unlit roads. However, you must make sure to turn them off or turn on low beam headlights when another vehicle comes from the opposite direction.

2. Taillights

Taillights automatically start working once you turn on the headlights of your car. These lights help the drivers behind you by letting them gauge how far your car is from their vehicle. It is mandatory for car owners to install only red bulbs in taillight as it is illegal to use any colored bulb other than red.

3. Fog Lights

One of the various lights used on a vehicle is fog or haze lights. Dense fog makes it impossible to see what is in front of the road. In such cases, it becomes very risky for drivers to drive safely. Fog lights enable other drivers to see your approaching car.

They are generally installed below the headlights so as to increase visibility of your car during foggy climate. They are typically yellow or golden to attract attention of other drivers about your vehicle. In thick fog, your high beam lights rebound because of the moisture in air and make it harder for you to see. Fog lights make your car more detectable without lessening your own perceptibility. These lights are situated close yet a little lower than the headlights and only to be used when the luminescence of headlights are not effective.

4. Brake lights

Brake lights are positioned close to your taillights and the fundamental reason for these lights is to signal the drivers behind you that you are stopping or decelerating. Since your brake lights turn on when you’re halting it is essential to maintain and use them in a proper way.

Engaging the brakes over and over to stop abruptly can help of other drivers behind you notice your vehicle and also try their best to maintain a strategic distance to avoid slamming into your car.

Unfortunately, many car owners do not even notice that the brake light is out until they’re getting pulled over. To avoid getting a ticket for a traffic violation and losing points on your driver’s permit, check your brake lights once every week before hitting the road.

5. Signal lights

Sign lights are situated in front, next to the fog light, and at the back, just close to tail lights of your vehicle. It gives out the insight into different drivers that you are going to change direction or move to another lane and hence you are going to slow down. Signal lights are also known as blinkers.

6. Hazard lights

Hazard lights also referred to as flashers, are yellow glimmering indicator lights on a vehicle that needs to be manually turned on to indicate a vehicle is stationary or abruptly taking a turn or decelerating.

They should be used only during emergency situations. You should use them only to warn other drivers of a risk ahead or that you had to stop which might cause a hindrance or hazard. Do not turn on hazard lights pointlessly or think that you can park your vehicle anywhere and without any valid cause just because you have these lights installed in your car.

The main purpose of hazard lights is to caution others of any upcoming road hazard or danger. However, it can likewise be used to indicate that you are experiencing an emergency.

So mentioned above are the various kinds of vehicle lights and their capacities that each driver should know. Having a proper insight into your vehicle would enable you to evade accidents and let you decide what needs to be done during emergency situations.

Maintaining the vehicle properly and getting your car serviced regularly as it can save you from driving with broken and busted lights. Furthermore, we should also realize that since these lights are significant and therefore if they are utilized inappropriately, it can prompt an accident, putting yourself as well as other drivers at risk.

For a competent driver and car owner, it is very important to know the various lights on a vehicle and how they work. Realizing these things can enable you to be on-guard about variable driving conditions. The vehicle lights and their various capacities are there to guard you and everyone around you from any risk of accidents or mishaps.