People have been gambling for thousands of years. However, the way we do it is constantly changing. For example, how we place sports bets or play casino games is diametrically different today compared to just 20 or 30 years ago. 


But we are still not done with the changes and improvements. Every year, online gambling brings new trends that change the face of the industry and make it slightly better for the players. Which ones can we expect in the future?


It’s hard to say for sure, but here are our seven guesses. Keep reading to find out what we think the future holds for online gambling.

1. Bitcoin Casinos

Bitcoin is becoming more and more accepted around the world. Different industries are recognizing it as a valid payment method and a good investment opportunity. The gambling industry is no exception, which is why we can see a sharp rise in Bitcoin casino games


Many casinos nowadays accept bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies as a regular way of making deposits and withdrawals. Players are happy about it because cryptos provide them with more privacy, lower fees, and shorter processing times. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

2. Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual and augmented reality technologies sound like science fiction but they are very much real. When online casinos first appeared, players found it hard to believe that they could get an authentic casino/sportsbook experience without leaving their homes. Due to VR and AR, they are going through another shock.


Thanks to virtual and augmented reality, online gambling has never been more realistic. By putting VR glasses on, you can get the impression that you are actually sitting in a land-based casino, with the dealer in front of you. On the other hand, AR can bring the online casino to you, which means you can merge the real world and the virtual world for a unique experience.

3. Mobile Gaming

Mobile gaming is slowly becoming the standard of the gambling industry. There are no successful online casinos that do not offer great mobile gaming solutions. Online casinos have two options: make their websites responsive or build mobile apps that players can download and install.  There’s also mobile pokies Australia you can check out. 


In the future, the focus on mobile gaming will be even more important than today. It is expected that a large majority of players will visit online casinos and sportsbooks almost exclusively using mobile devices, which means the industry will need to find a way to adapt.

4. AI and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence is everywhere around us, even if that is not completely obvious. Finding applications for it in the gambling industry was not difficult at all. Online casinos and sportsbooks use it to make better predictions, track important statistics, analyze data, and improve their games. 

If you want to learn about artificial intelligence and machine learning, then I would suggest you to take machine learning training, which is provided by Intellipaat and become an expert in it.

AI and Machine Learning are also widely used for delivering a personalized gaming experience, based on the players’ preferences, as well as identifying and preventing addictive behavior. In the future, they will be even more crucial both for both operators and players.

5. Better Future Regulations

The online gambling market has always been quite dynamic. Therefore, regulations have been struggling to keep up ever since the beginning. Real-world conditions change all the time, which is why regulations need to be frequently updated.


At the moment, online gambling is still not completely regulated in many parts of the world. This makes the industry suffer as the general public in some areas doesn’t consider it to be trustworthy. In the near future, this issue is expected to be completely eliminated.

6. Customized Marketing Strategies

Online casinos and sportsbooks invest a lot of money into digital and real-world marketing every year. So far, the majority of their marketing efforts have been general, targeting as many potential customers as possible. 


However, in the future, mass marketing strategies will be substituted with customized marketing techniques that will be tailored to different individuals’ needs. Some examples include direct mailing, personalized ads, and more.

7. Security

Last but not least, security is one of the things that still needs improving. Luckily, security in online gambling is going to be completely revamped in the future. Online scams and frauds in online casinos and sportsbooks are already very rare. 


One of the ways to improve security includes using blockchain technology. That would completely decentralize the system and make frauds nearly impossible. Therefore, the online gambling industry is expected to be a much safer place for everyone involved.