Johnny Manziel’s time in the AAF was short.  The league packed it in just two weeks after the former first-round draft pick signed with the Memphis Express.  But those two weeks might have been just enough to get him another shot in the NFL.

According to David Lee, Manziel’s offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach in Memphis, he isn’t the same person who crashed and burned in Cleveland.  Lee was very impressed with the 26-year-old and hopes he gets another shot in the NFL.

In fact, Lee encouraged Manziel to get his agent busy lining up tryouts with NFL teams.  If he was asked, he would recommend giving the former Heisman Trophy winner another shot.

Via Toronto Sun:

Lee’s advice for Manziel going forward, after the AAF’s demise, was simple.

“I said, ‘Get your agent busy and line up tryouts with the NFL. Convince them to look at the tape, to show them that you can still play. And convince them you want to do it their way, by doing it in the pocket – but, to use your legs too when the time is right.’”

If he’s asked by any NFL talent evaluator whether he’d advise giving Manziel another shot, Lee said simply:

“I’d say do it, yeah. Yes sir.”

Will we see Manziel back in the NFL?  Who knows, there have been quite a few AAF players signing with NFL teams since the league shut it down.  Anything is possible and there are certainly some NFL teams that could use a quarterback or two.  It’s certainly a good thing to have an experienced coach in your corner.

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