Things have been quiet in Aaron Judge’s love life since the split from his girlfriend and the brief pursuit by Instagram model Jen Selter.  That was until this week when the Yankees slugger was spotted spending time with a new lady.  

Her name is Britt Hodges and she’s been hanging with Judge in New York since at least Thursday, when she attended the Blue Jays-Yankees game. 

According to our source, Thursday was just the beginning.  On Friday the two spent the day hanging out, with Judge showing her around the city.  They visited Rockefeller Center and the Grand Central Terminal.  On Friday night, Britt made her return to Yankee Stadium.  She didn’t make an appearance at Saturday’s game, but did make one later that night at Judge’s apartment.


Our source says these two have known each other for years, going back to high school, but are ready to take the friendship to the next level.  

The picture below is of the two hanging out back in 2012.

Here’s a better look at Britt.