We’ve been sitting on this one for a little while now as we tried to get a positive identification on the woman with him.  The footage and screenshots from it aren’t the best quality. 

But you can clearly see Aaron Judge was out with a woman with dark hair a couple of weeks ago at Catch.  According to our sources, the woman was with him the entire night.

I am a bartender at Catch but wasn’t working last Wednesday when Aaron Judge was there. These pictures have been circulating all week at my work to find out who this girl he was with was. She was at the table all night according to my coworker. Is the girl Chelsa? I didn’t think it could be because she had blonde hair but my friend said on Chelsa’s Facebook she did just dye her hair dark.

As our source points out, Chelsa Scarcella, who we’ve repeatedly received tips that he’s dating, has recently colored her hair and it just happens to be a nice dark shade.

We don’t have confirmation that this is her, but the blurry shots we have certainly does resemble Chelsa and given her change in hair color, these could be the first shots of them together.