Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers now understands why Brett Favre didn’t want to mentor him earlier in his career, according to Favre.  He revealed Rodgers’ new understanding on the Wilde and Tausch radio show.

Via Packers News:

“We talked about that,” said Favre, referencing the not-mentoring-Rodgers quote. “He said, ‘I get it now. I get what you were saying, or how you carried yourself.’”

Favre continued “There is no clause that says ‘You groom the next guy who’s going to take your job, or else.’ It doesn’t work that way.”

Another shared experience between the two? Watching your friends leave the team during a long career.

“You see a lot of guys come and go. You look around and I’m the last man standing. Very few guys get to experience that because of the longevity standpoint.”

For all we know these conversations have never taken place and are all in his head.  Didn’t he say he suffered thousands of concussions during his playing days? 

We’re going to need Rodgers to confirm this one.  But for now we’ll take Favre’s word for it.