Yesterday we posted about Abby Hornacek, and how Knicks fans will be missing her. And after her father got canned, she went on IG to show him support. Just in case you didn’t know already, the New York Knicks fired her father Jeff Hornacek.  

I am so proud of this guy for everything he accomplished over the last couple of seasons. A lot of people only saw what he did on the court, but we saw all of the 4am nights watching game film and the way he poured everything he had into this team. It’s the same way he pours everything he has into our family. My brother said it best…We get asked all the time who our “team is.” The Knicks? Jazz? Suns? It doesn’t matter because I’m team Hornacek and while people can only call him “Coach,” I get to call him “Dad.” I know wherever he lands next is going to be lucky to have him. On to the next adventure! 

Abby seems like a great daughter. We know Jeff will land on his feet, and Abby will be fine as well. We wish them the best. Enjoy a gallery of Abby below.