He’s definitely learned a lesson from his suspension.

Cubs shortstop Addison Russell returned to the lineup on Wednesday after serving a 40 game suspension for physically abusing his ex-wife Melisa Reidy.  Upon his return he was booed loudly by Cubs fans.

Russell was asked about the greeting he received from the hometown crowd and just like the dick head he is, he placed the blame on the fans who were booing him.

Via Chicago Sun-Times:

“I’m a baseball player for the Chicago Cubs,” he said. “I’m one of the dudes in this clubhouse. I’m one of the guys who goes out there and puts his [body] on the line. We do it because we love it. We want to win, and we want to bring another championship to Chicago. And if hometown fans want to boo someone that’s trying to help bring the team a World Series again, then that’s on them.”

If physically abusing a woman isn’t enough to remove a guy from your team, maybe his response to the fans booing him for being a jerk is enough to send him packing.  Although we highly doubt it. 

The Cubs have more important things to deal with, like a guy playing the circle game.

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