Adrian Peterson’s agent, Ron Slavin, blamed reporter Master Tesfatsion for violating the Redskins running back’s trust, after it was revealed in an article by the Bleacher Report that AP still uses a belt on his kids.  

Peterson was, of course, suspended by the NFL in 2014 after pleading no contest to reckless assault after “an incident of abusive discipline” toward his son.

Peterson’s agent seemed to think his client was tricked into discussing the 2014 incident and addressed it in a statement he released following the story.

“The Bleacher Report approached the Washington Redskins and Adrian about doing a story about his resurgence on the field and his leadership in the locker room.  Adrian’s trust with this reporter was violated when he discussed what happened four years ago.  Adrian learned several valuable lessons four years ago, thanks in part to his suspension and counseling he underwent during and afterward.”

It sounds to me like Slavin is trying to cover his own ass.  He knows Peterson can be easily tricked into talking about things he wouldn’t want out.  

Despite that fact, Slavin let Peterson do the interview anyway, without anyone there to make sure the 33-year-old didn’t discuss things that might further damage his reputation.

It’s too late now.  It’s already out and everyone knows that AP, who already has displayed that he doesn’t know how to discipline his kids, is still using a belt on them.