Los Angeles Angels third baseman Anthony Rendon said he’ll serve a four-game suspension starting Monday for an incident with a fan following an appeal, according to Sam Blum of The Athletic.

Rendon originally received a five-game ban and an undisclosed fine for the altercation during the Opening Day contest against the Oakland Athletics, MLB announced Monday.

The former All-Star grabbed the shirt of a spectator in the stands during a heated argument last Thursday.

Rendon said he and the fan apologized to each other on the phone.

“I let my emotions get the best of me,” Rendon said Monday. He added that he likes to heckle when he goes to sporting events, too.

The 32-year-old was suspended five contests last season for his involvement in a bench-clearing brawl with the Seattle Mariners in June while wearing a cast to protect his injured wrist.

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