Cubs first baseman Anthony Rizzo thinks the baseball season is too long.  The player’s association won’t be happy with this, but he claims he’s willing to take a pay cut to play less games.


“I think we play too much baseball,” Rizzo said Tuesday during his weekly appearance on ESPN 1000. “Yes, guys are going to take pay cuts. But are we playing this game for the money or do we love this game? I know it’s both, but in the long run it will make everything better.”

One of the big reasons Rizzo wants to play less games is because he doesn’t like playing in the cold.

“I think playing in the cold sucks,” said Rizzo, who was activated from the 10-day disabled list on Tuesday. “I was thinking about this the other day. When you think of Cubs and Cardinals, you think of a beautiful Saturday at Wrigley Field. You don’t think about playing in 20 degrees.”

“In a perfect world, we’d start the season later and play a few scheduled doubleheaders going into an off day,” he said. “As a fan you’re going to a baseball game in April, and it’s raining, snowing and [with] freezing rain. Is it really that much fun? That’s my question.”

What a soft take by Rizzo.  He loves baseball, that’s why he wants to play less games and get paid less to do so.

Rizzo wants more time for man purses, avocado and tight jeans.  If he continues to play in the cold expect him to start wearing scarfs and vests.