“Russian women don’t like it when you look at them like objects.” “They pay a lot of attention to whether you’re clean, smell good and are well dressed.” “They hate boring men.” Those are just some of the pieces of advice dished out in a manual covering Russian language and culture that was distributed on Tuesday by the Argentine Football Association (AFA) to around 40 sports journalists.

When they leafed through the material they had been given, the students who had signed up to the workshop found a section entitled: “What to do to have a chance with a Russian girl.” With a mixture of surprise and indignation, some of the students took pictures of the text and posted them on social networks, creating something of a scandal.

Another of the recommendations was to not get upset should they find “girls who only pay attention to material things.” “Don’t worry about this,” the text stated. “There are many pretty girls in Russia and they are not all good for you. Be selective.”  

This is comical, like these guys are actually going to read this. This is how you know the World Cup has almost arrived. The World Cup takes place Jun 14, 2018 – Jul 15th, 2018.