Bollywood star & unofficial Arsenal FC club ambassador Esha Gupta has apologized and insisted that she “didn’t realize” the comments she shared on social media comparing Nigerian forward Alex Iwobi to a “gorilla” were racist.

Gupta has been heavily criticized for posting a screenshot of a WhatsApp conversation to her 3.4m Instagram followers in which Iwobi was described as “gorilla-faced” and that he “didn’t change from Neanderthal to man“, in a post which has since been deleted following Arsenal’s 3-1 defeat to Manchester United last week.

Check it out below: 

The actress has since claimed that she didn’t realize that the comments were racist and has apologized in a series of social media messages, though angry soccer fans are demanding that Arsenal take action by ending their relationship with her.  

Check out some photos the racist ambassador below: 

She did apologize, check it out below:

In a statement, Arsenal made it clear that the club’s ambassadorial relationship with Gupta is not an official one, though she was involved in the launch of a new strip recently.

“This person is not an official club ambassador and we totally condemn racist language of this nature which has no place in our game or society,” the club said.

“As a club we work hard to break down barriers and ensure everyone feels part of the Arsenal family.”

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