Bears kicker Cody Parkey missed four kicks on Sunday in the 34-22 win over the Lions.  All four of the missed kicks hit an upright.

Parkey missed two extra points and two field goals.  That’s really hard to do.

After the game Parkey said he couldn’t hit the uprights four times if he tried to.  He also said that in his 15 years of kicking he probably hasn’t hit the uprights four times, well that was before Sunday anyway.

Head coach Matt Nagy wasn’t too concerned with the missed kicks and won’t be bringing in any kickers for tryouts.

Via Chicago Tribune:

Nagy understood the fans’ disgruntlement but said after the game there’s “zero chance” the Bears will try out new kickers this week. He insisted Parkey has his trust.

“It doesn’t affect me going forward, but it affected me today,” Nagy said. “And he knew that. In my head, there’s a balance of showing trust to him by putting him back out there, but then there’s also a level of understanding what’s best for the team. Sometimes you just have those days.

“So my trust is not shot at all with him. I know everybody else is going to feel that way, and I get it and that’s OK. But … he’s going to hit some big kicks for us just like he did last week.”

Nagy might want to start thinking about trying out some kickers.  They got lucky on Sunday that the missed kicks didn’t cost them on Sunday, but it could cost them in the postseason.