If you are an avid cricket player, you need to have a good cricket kit. Of all the accessories in a kit, the bat is the most important one. In a cricket field, not every player has to bowl but to bat. Selecting tools and accessories to laden yourself with before jumping into the cricket ground is difficult especially when it comes to buying the bat. Cricket accessories usually look the same in appearance and the players cannot decide as to which one to buy. We are going to tell you about the best characteristics of the cricket bat to look for so that you cannot be duped into buying the wrong product:

1. Check the weight of the bat:

When we are in the market, we find both heavy and lights bats. We cannot say that heavy bat is not good for us or light bats are low in quality because each bat has its good and bad side. Some people like heavy bats because they can make some powerful shots with a heavy bat. Additionally, heavy bats are also proven to be more durable. However, heavy bats are not recommended at all. If you cannot hold a heavy bat, you don’t need to buy it just because you want to hit some good strokes. The poor hold will not let you show good batting skills. So, find a lightweight bat for yourself. For making the best purchase, buy cricket bats online

2. See the shape of the handle:

The handle is the primary part of the bat that can never be overlooked before buying a bat. If you can play good shorts by holding the bat loosely, the bat with an oval handle will be suitable for you because it gives strength to the bat. If you have control issues on the bat, a bat with a round handle is suggested. Some batsmen are accustomed to hitting the ball with full strength. So, they need a bat that can absorb the shock. For them, a round handle is best

3. Look for bats with a natural finish:

Although covered bats are usually liked by people and are more durable, we often find professional cricketers not going for the bat with cover. They like to play with the bat which is completely natural in terms of its finish. Bats with a natural finish give a more pleasing effect when a cricketer holds them. However, it is important to be sure that you don’t find a bat that has a low-quality willow and natural finish 

4. Check a number of grains:

If you want to see if the bat has been manufactured with a good quality willow or not, you can determine it easily by looking at the number of grains it has. If several grains in the bat ranges from 6 to 12, it shows that the bat has been manufactured with the willow which is of high quality.