Blake Griffin played with a little extra energy on Saturday.  He dropped 44-points and led the Pistons to a 109-104 win.

You would think with a performance like that Griffin would have been all smiles during his postgame interview.  He was not.  Griffin was instead answering questions about his apparent pregame diss of Clippers owner Steve Ballmer.  

According to Griffin, he didn’t intentionally disrespect Ballmer.  He claims that he jogs into the locker room after warming up before every game and has done so since he’s been in the league.

While addressing the “incident” Griffin called out one of the reporters who tweeted it out.

Griffin might do this before every game, but he also had to have seen Ballmer walk up and extend his hand.  He could have shook his hand before his sprint, he choose to ignore Ballmer and run to the locker room. 

It’s more than fair to assume that Griffin didn’t want anything to do with Ballmer.