Toronto Blue Jays closer Roberto Osuna was arrested early Tuesday and charged with assault of a woman, according to multiple reports that cited Toronto police.  Now we’re hearing more details about exactly what went down, and it’s not pretty. 

From our trusted source and friend

…14 Division where Osuna was held last night….Osuna threw a few punches and also threw his GF down a set of stairs….”

  Source also said there was a “Commotion in the courtyard of the building he lives in on Adelaide St around 2:00 am.    

The picture above is Osuna in his holding cell. The picture was leaked, and reportedly the police were up in arms. Osuna will be out at least a week. 

Osuna has been placed on administrative leave per Article II of the Joint Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Policy in the CBA, a move the team says it “fully supports.”  

Constable Jenifferjit Sidhu told The Athletic that authorities are withholding details to protect the identity of the alleged victim, as is Toronto police policy, “not because he’s a baseball player.”  

If this guy really did throw his girlfriend down a set of stairs, he should no longer be allowed to play baseball. Not only for one year, but forever. You do the crime, you serve the time.