On Sunday the Buffalo Bills traded quarterback A.J. McCarron to the Oakland Raiders.  With A.J. the Raiders also pickup his wife Katherine Webb McCarron.  

Nobody was happier about that news than Brent Musburger, who is in his first year as the Raiders’ radio play-by-play announcer.  In fact, he took to Twitter to welcome the backup QB and his beautiful wife.

The 79 year old broadcasting legend was the one who “discovered” McCarron’s wife and made her famous during the 2013 BCS National Championship game between Notre Dame and Alabama. 

Expect at least a couple of mentions during Raiders games this season, there’s no way he’s able to make it through an entire season without mentioning her.  This is my kind of announcing legend.  You can keep Vin Scully and his rambling stories about nothing, I’ll take Musburger losing his mind over player’s girlfriends any day.