Russell Wilson just can’t win this season.  

The Denver Broncos quarterback has struggled this season, throwing eight touchdown passes against five interceptions through 10 games, leading the worst offense in the league. Following another loss on Sunday, the Broncos are now 3-8 this year. Despite the team’s struggles, Wilson’s social media posts have not stopped, and some fans and pundits don’t approve.

“I would love to see Russell’s social media team just go into the bunker and stop posting stuff,” former Broncos offensive lineman Tyler Polumbus tweeted on Sunday after Wilson posted a slow-motion video of him arriving at the game. “Go radio silent for a while. Start winning games, then come back w/ slo mo. For the record, Russ is a good man. He’s been my sons favorite for 10 years. I don’t dislike him at all.”

Other fans responded to Wilson asking him to “read the room,” and one fan tweeted that “there is no one more tone def [sic] in the league.”

There is precedent for Wilson listening to input from fans. After backlash from fans earlier this year, Wilson stopped saying “Let’s Ride” following frustrating losses. Maybe he’ll now listen to fans again and tell his social media team to hold off on the posts while the team is playing so poorly.

You have to admit Russell being hated on so much is kind of entertaining.

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