\It’s not been the greatest few days for Tristan Thompson. The Cleveland Cavaliers player was alleged to have been on the receiving end of boos from Kim Kardashian. Then he was ejected from the court during the third quarter of the Cavaliers Vs Memphis Grizzlies game, after supposedly attempting to smack Jae Crowder on the butt.

Of course none of this is as bad as the start that Thompson made to 2019. In February last year, he was accused of cheating on Khloe Kardashian, with Jordyn. Thompson has apparently since received forgiveness and has attended several family events, including the birthday party of his daughter True. 

Kim Kardashian booing unlikely 

It’s hard to say whether Kim Kardashian did boo Thompson when she attended a recent Cavaliers game with husband Kanye West. However, it seems unlikely given the more friendly recent history between Thompson and the Kardashians.

A video of the alleged booing has been circulating on social media but it’s hardly conclusive. It really only shows that Kim opened her mouth and zooms in and out a lot, making it difficult to see what is happening. Kim has denied booing, claiming that she was at the game to support Thompson.  

Alleged butt slapping incident 

Just days after the booing incident, Thompson was again at the center of attention. It was alleged that the 28-year-old star tried to smack opponent Jae Crowder on the butt. He was ejected during the third quarter of the game as a result. 

According to Thompson, he was simply making a friendly gesture toward Crowder, who used to play for the Cavaliers. As a result, Thompson has said that he will appeal the decision.

Thompson and Kardashian have both been caught out, allegedly doing the wrong thing. As the world gets to see more of the NBA, and sport in general, this is likely to happen more often. 

Live streaming brings actions into the open 

There is no doubt that live streaming, such as the NBA League Pass, is bringing sport to a much wider audience. It’s part of the live streaming revolution that is also allowing companies like NetEnt to bring live gaming into homes as the company reported in their last interim report.

This is a good thing when it comes to widening the audience for sports, and potentially increasing participation. It may also lead to increased public scrutiny for games like basketball. If someone commits a foul on the court, or the camera catches the actions of an audience member, we all get to see it. 

This could be a good thing for celebrity families like the Kardashians, and associated members like Thompson. After all, they do say that there is no such thing as bad publicity. The more that celebrities are open to scrutiny, the more they are talked about. This helps them to remain in the headlines to keep living the luxury lifestyle that they have become accustomed to.