Pittsburgh Steelers defensive lineman Cam Heyward called the fact that his Madden 19 rating didn’t have him among the game’s top 15 defensive ends a joke.  He received a response on Twitter from EA Sports and convinced them to upgrade his rating.

Here is the list of the top 15 prior to Heyward’s upgrade.

Donald: 99 

Mack 98 

JJ Watt 98 

Cam Jordan 95 

Brandon Graham 93 

Everson Griffen 92 

Calais Campbell 92 

DeMarcus Lawrence 91 

Mike Daniels 91 

Joey Bosa 90 

Melvin Ingram 90 

Jurrell Casey 89 

Chandler Jones 89 

Jabaal Sheard 89 

Cam Wake 89

That’s definitely an impressive list.  But Heyward, who recorded a record high 12 sacks last season, didn’t think his 88 rating was high enough.

EA Sports sent him their form letter leaving the door open for Heyward to convince them to change the rating.  He dropped some knowledge on them and they approved his upgrade.

Heyward isn’t the first and won’t be the last to disagree with their Madden rating.  He is the first one I’ve heard of that was able to get upgraded by complaining on social media.  If he wasn’t able to convince them on social media, maybe the 6’5″ 295 pounder could have made a face to face pitch for his upgrade.