Can Andy Murray Return to the Top?

Andy Murray is easily one of the most popular and well recognised tennis players in the UK and potentially the world. The three-time Grand Slam champion has inspired many people to take up the sport or watch the amazing game of tennis. But sadly, the tennis pro has been away, missing several key tournaments due to two separate hip injuries that has left him unable to play for some time. However, Murray has returned to the courts, albeit not at the same prime he was before. Can the tennis legend return to the top? Or have these surgeries pulled him away from his prime? Read on to find out.

Two Hip Surgeries?

You read that right. At the age of thirty four the athlete has already had two surgeries on his right hip.  The first, in 2018, he underwent arthroscopic hip surgery after the first time he was looked at by surgeons. This procedure is a minimally invasive surgery that allows the surgeons to take an in-depth look at your joint without having to expose it too much. It’s thought that he may have had the joint damage for some time before this surgery and that the procedure was supposed to help repair the damage, with fans of tennis betting hoping for a quick recovery.

However, it seemed that the first surgery didn’t do enough to ease the pain that Murray was constantly under during his hoped recovery. The pain ended up being so much so that Murray underwent a second surgery for hip resurfacing. This surgery meant Murray having the ball in his hip smoothed down and plated in metal, with another metal strip in the pelvic socket to set it into the right place. This allows the hip to be more stable and ensures that the connected femur stays intact. Most people who go on to have this surgery are often fifty or over, allowing them to go back to many activities, even so far as skiing, swimming and cycling. However, none of them decide to go back to professional tennis.

Back On The Court

Murray was away from the court for some time after 2018, missing the French Open, Wimbledon, and Australian Open, , but returned to Grand Slam courts at he US Open. The comeback was short, however, as he was defeated in the second round. He entered the 2019 Australian Open before his second surgery went ahead, missing the rest of the 2019 championships. He returned to tennis in 2020 at the French Open, unfortunately losing in the first round, and he suffered a similar fate in the second round of the US Open. For fans of Murray this was certainly disheartening, as their favourite tennis player wasn’t performing to his usual high standard post-operation. 

Wimbledon 2021 dawned late June and everyone’s eyes were glued to Murray’s name aside a wildcard. This was his chance to prove whether or not he was returning to his former glory. He did well on his best known ground, but many question if it was good enough. The injury ravaged star made it through rounds one and two, playing hard and showing that he was still an incredible player, pain or no pain. However, it was the 22-year-old junior champion Shapovalov that saw Andy Murray off in the third round. A heavy defeat and his heaviest Wimbledon loss, but it showed the player as nothing but proud of his ability to return, as he should be. Playing after an injury such as his is still excellent, regardless of how far he got.

Ultimately it is uncertain whether or not Murray will return to the height he once climbed to. However, the amount of effort he is putting in, the training he is going through and the positive attitude he continues to bring to the game. Regardless of how far he gets back to his number one position, he inspires tennis players the world round, and should be recognised for that.