NBA Hall of famer Charles Barkley continues to be sickened by the modern day NBA, and it’s free agency. Barkly appeared on the Unnecessary Roughness podcast and said that he’d rather have zero championships than join a super team.

“It doesn’t matter what option you are, sports are about competition,” said Barkely. “Like, I admire Patrick Ewing for trying to bring a championship to New York. I admire Reggie Miller for trying to bring a championship to Indiana. I admire Michael Jordan for not leaving when they were getting beat by the Pistons every year. He didn’t pack up and say, ‘Let me go play with Magic or Bird,’ there’s something to be said about that. When Dirk Nowitzki finally won the championship he could be like, ‘Yes, I did this.’”

Charles isn’t being completely fair, as I recall, he joined the Rockets at the end of his career to try and win a ring. Or does he not remember that. Maybe his memory is turrible?