Retired UFC champion Chuck Liddell sought to calm tensions in Huntington Beach as he walked around unruly crowds and encouraged people to stay calm.

Liddell was seen walking around the crowds, urging people to remain peaceful. At one point, someone stepped up and appeared to want to challenge him, but others in crowd help restrain the individual.

The fighter said he too was disturbed by the events in Minneapolis, but urged people not to cause damage as they protested.

“It’s just terrible,” Liddell said. “Violence begets violence. Violence doesn’t help anybody.”

RELATED: UFC Hall of Famer Chuck Liddell Did Stand-Up

“We all know what happened was wrong. Everyone I know thinks it was wrong. It’s hard to watch. But this does not help. Destroying cities, destroying people, hurting people does not do any good for anybody.”

“Protest all you want, but just do it peacefully.”

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