Never carry a woman’s purse

Seattle Seahawks Quarterback Russell Wilson has proudly supported his wife Ciara in all of her endeavors, and often takes to Instagram to praise her. 

Now he’s going next level, as he’s carrying her fancy Chanel purse for her.   

‘When your man holding your purse for you, you know it’s real!’

Ciara  said as she recorded her suited up husband carrying her packed Chanel purse down a hallway. 

Watch below: 

The Seattle Seahawks Quarterback was surprised to see just how heavy Ciara’s purse was, joking he was using all of his might to carry the bag.

‘I got to use all my muscles to carry this thing, how much stuff you got in here?’

Russell asked, astonished to learn first-hand just how heavy the purse was

Ciara insisted the extra weight was just all apart of being a girl.  

‘Gotta be prepared!  It’s just girl life, it’s just what we have to do!’ she replied.

Of course Russell will do just about anything for Ciara. 

What man hasn’t carried a woman’s heavy purse at some point. 

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