Big Baller Brand co-founder Alan Foster, who is being sued by the Ball family for allegedly taking more than $1 million from Lakers guard Lonzo Ball, is also being investigated by the FBI. 

In addition to being the co-founder of the Big Baller Brand, Foster served as Lonzo’s business manager.

Via Los Angeles Times:

Foster was co-founder of Big Baller Brand, an apparel company launched in part by Lonzo’s father, LaVar, who sought to capitalize on the fame his three sons generated while playing for Chino Hills High.

Authorities say the investigation is focused on allegations included in a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court this month by Lonzo Ball and Big Baller Brand. The suit alleges Foster took more than $1.5 million out of the company’s bank accounts and accepted “substantial undisclosed referral fees” from at least eight loans he arranged on behalf of the company.

What the BBB Was co-founded by a fraud?  Shocking.  It looks like it’s shaping up to be a rough few months for Mr. Foster from a legal standpoint.  

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