Cole Beasley is back in the news. 

The former NFL receiver knows what it is like to be ostracized for his opinions, which is why you shouldn’t be shocked by him defending a controversial NBA player.

After the Brooklyn Nets suspended Kyrie Irving for at least five games without pay over promoting a film that was anti-Semitic, former NFL wide receiver Cole Beasley jumped on Twitter to defend him.

“Won’t miss this part of professional sports. ‘Be you’ they say. Yea alright…,” Beasley tweeted.

“People should be able to say what they want,” he added. “You don’t have to listen to them and everything they say isn’t the truth. Stop being so damn sensitive.”

The former Dallas Cowboys WR added that because Irving shared the film “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America” on social media, it doesn’t mean he hates the Jewish community.

“No I’m saying just because somebody watched a film doesn’t mean they hate Jews,” the former wide receiver wrote. “Lol I’ve watched a lot of films I don’t agree with.”

The Brooklyn Nets star had met with reporters, but stopped short of apologizing for promoting an anti-Semitic film on social media.

“I take my responsibility for posting that,” he responded. “Some things that were questionable in there, untrue. Like I said the first time you guys asked me when I was sitting on that stage, I don’t believe everything that everybody posts. It’s a documentary. I take my responsibility.”

Irving added he “didn’t mean to cause any harm” and noted he wasn’t the person who made the film.

After the heat in the kitchen got too hot, he would eventually take to Instagram and release a lengthy statement:

“To All Jewish families and Communities that are hurt and affected from my post, I am deeply sorry to have caused you pain, and I apologize,” Irving wrote on Instagram. “I initially reacted out of emotion to being unjustly labeled Anti-Semitic, instead of focusing on the healing process of my Jewish Brothers and Sisters that were hurt from the hateful remarks made in the Documentary.

I want to clarify any confusion on where I stand fighting against Anti- Semitism by apologizing for posting the documentary without context and a factual explanation outlining the specific beliefs in the Documentary I agreed with and disagreed with. I had no intentions to disrespect any Jewish cultural history regarding the Holocaust or perpetuate any hate. I am learning from this unfortunate event and hope we can find understanding between us all.”

The Nets said Irving can return to the team once he “satisfies a series of objective remedial measures that address the harmful impact of his conduct.”

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