File this one under crazy NFL stories.

Eight men pulled up to the Indianapolis home of Colts assistant coach Parks Frazier and fired more than 80 shots into the house on Sunday, according to police.

Police told RTV6 that they are searching for eight young male suspects who arrived in three cars and left the street littered with shell casings from at least five rifles and handguns. The incident happened around 6 p.m.

Police say that suspects kicked in the back door of the home and fired shots from there as well.

Nobody was home at the time of the shooting, and nobody was injured according to reports. 

Frazier’s neighbor Craig Worland told WTHR that his and other adjacent homes also received gunfire.

“I heard like 15 boom, boom, boom, boom,” Worland told WTHR. “I knew it sounded like gunshots.”

Worland said that his garage wall that sits next to Frazier’s home received gunfire while bullet holes riddled Frazier’s home on all sides.

Police have not provided a potential motive in the shooting.

Something doesn’t add up, what’s this guy up to behind the scenes? 

Or was this just random?

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