A woman who accused Cristiano Ronaldo of raping her has dropped her lawsuit, according to reports.

The Juventus forward strongly denied claims he raped former model Kathryn Mayorga after meeting her in a Las Vegas nightclub on June 13, 2009.

The case was reopened last year by Mayorga who alleged she was paid $375,000 to keep quiet. But it has emerged a notice of voluntary dismissal was filed by the accuser last month at the Nevada state court.

Via Bloomberg

A rape lawsuit against Juventus star Cristiano Ronaldo in the U.S. that made headlines last year and sent the club’s shares down 15% has been quietly dropped.

A notice of voluntary dismissal was filed last month in Nevada state court in Las Vegas. The filing didn’t say whether the accuser had reached a settlement with the Portuguese soccer player.

Las Vegas police officials didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on the status of the investigation.

Mayorga’s attorney previously said the model agreed to an out-of-court settlement to keep her name from going public, but was inspired to speak out by the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment.

Maybe this time there was under the table negotiations going on…

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