A disappointed Dana White spoke to the media following the aftermath of the Conor McGregor and Khabib Nurmagomedov post-fight craziness.  He gave a lot information on the entire situation.

White is expecting the Nevada State Athletic Commission to suspend Khabib and said that could lead to him being stripped of his belt.  As for his teammates who entered the octagon and took cheap shots at McGregor, they will never fight in the UFC again.

“The guys who jumped in will never fight here.  They’ll never fight here.  I’ve been working hard for 18 years to build this sport.  When you have such an amazing event that we’ve worked hard to build over the last several months and it goes perfect, I mean literally it was too eerie.  I kept saying this is too crazy man.  Everybody made weight, everything was so smooth.  Security took all the right precautions.  Those of you that have been to many events, you’ve never seen this many metro police officers in the building.  Security was unbelievable.”

See White’s entire press conference below.

We wouldn’t be surprised if there was a rematch in the future for these two.  There’s just too much money to not run it back.