When your boyfriend is Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, obviously you can no longer root for the Bears. Recently retired NASCAR driver Danica Patrick did an interview with ESPNW, and spoke about what it’s like being a traitor. 

They caught up with Patrick to talk a little bit about life after racing and whether it was an easy transition for someone who grew up a Chicago Bears fan to now cheer for the Green Bay Packers, the team quarterbacked by her boyfriend, Aaron Rodgers.  


espnW: Finally, what is it like rooting for the Green Bay Packers?

Patrick: Good. It’s fun. The first game of the year was obviously an absolute historic, amazing game and I’m sure one of Aaron’s top games in his head to come back from what they did in the first half and to win on top of being hurt. It’s fun. The fun thing about them as a team is you just know they’ve got it in them, no matter what point in the game it is or what the score is or what the season is looking like — you always feel encouraged to cheer for them as a team. Aaron is a great leader and obviously an incredible player and he’s got some good guys behind him.

espnW: I guess maybe I should rephrase that: What’s it like for somebody who was used to rooting for the Chicago Bears to root for the Green Bay Packers?

Patrick: The Packers obviously played at noon [on Sept. 23] and then afterward, the Bears-Cardinals game was on and they were playing at Phoenix and I’m like, “Oh, I have houses in both of those cities” [in Chicago and Phoenix]. It was the first time, I felt like I really was like, “Don’t win, don’t win” and then they did. The Bears are having a great start to the year actually. I’m very comfortable with the transition. Anyone that wonders why I don’t cheer for the Bears, it’s not like it’s an in-house rivalry of like, “Oh, you cheer for this team, I cheer for that team.” It’s like, “No, you play for that team.” I can never understand when people are like, “Why don’t you cheer for the Bears still anymore?” I’m like, “Well for obvious reasons.” Usually with a sports teams or an athlete, whatever it may be, a driver, usually you need to have a reason, right? Maybe it’s because you’re from the city. Or maybe it’s because you’re dating one.

Danica loves talking about Aaron and the Packers, and I’m pretty sure Bears fans couldn’t care less about Danica switching sides. 

If Danica was a real legendary Chicagoan, that would be a different story altogether.