This bit of juicy gossip comes to us from the Tip Line.  Danica Patrick’s dad, T.J. Patrick, took a few shots at Aaron Rodgers over the NFL’s National Anthem protests.  T.J. was not a fan of the protests and wasn’t shy about letting it be known.

Danica’s new boyfriend was not only supportive of the National Anthem protests, he asked Packers fans to show support for them by locking arms.  

So when T.J. spotted Aaron with his hand on his heart at the Daytona 500, he didn’t pass up on the opportunity to take shots at his daughter’s new man.

This picture with Danica’s family, minus T.J., takes on a whole new meaning now.

It looks like family drama has found the Packers quarterback yet again.  It should be an interesting season for Rodgers and his girlfriend’s family next season.