Dennis Rodman has battled substance abuse since his NBA career ended in 2000. His drug of choice is alcohol. It’s really the source of most of his problems. He recently got busted for DUI, and it seems it may have finally woke him. 

Dennis Rodman’s blood alcohol level was more than DOUBLE the legal limit when cops arrested him for DUI back in January. Now he’s 60 days sober, or if you want to be exact, 62 days. Every day is going to be a struggle, but if anyone can rebound, it’s Dennis. 

 I’m grateful to be sober and I’m grateful to be #facingaddiction. #30DaysSober #MySoberBDay #MuhammadAlisBDay

Dennis is an NBA Hall of Famer, and was easily one of the most entertaining NBA players of all time. I for one am pulling for Dennis, he’s one weird dude, but he seems like he has a good heart. Maybe being sober will allow us to understand him better. Like literally be able to understand what he’s actually saying for once. 

Check out a Highlight mix of Hall of Famer “The Worm” Dennis Rodman. One of the best defenders and rebounders the world has ever seen.