A woman who accused him of rape will have her appeal heard today in Pasadena after the player was cleared by a federal jury in 2016.

The alleged victim claimed Rose and his two friends visited her in an apartment in Los Angeles in the early hours of August 27, 2013 and had sex with her.

The woman did not come forward with her complaint until 2015, when she accused Rose, Randall Hampton and Ryan Allen of breaking into her apartment and raping her.

After the complaint was filed, the Los Angeles Police Department opened an investigation but observers suggested the lack of physical evidence made charges unlikely.

While the plaintiff said she had been drugged and was too intoxicated to give consent, the men claimed the sex was consensual. That was despite the fact that during a deposition in June 2016 Rose admitted to not knowing what consent meant.

The three-time NBA All-Star and his two friends were found not liable as opposed to not guilty, given the trial was a civil litigation, rather than a criminal trial.

 A jury of six women and two men made a verdict in the case.

Rose’s decision to allow the matter to end up in court instead of agreeing to settle had initially puzzled observers, given a liable verdict would have in all likelihood jeopardized his career.

At the time, Waukeen McCoy, the plaintiff’s lawyer, described the outcome as unjust and indicated his legal team was considering an appeal, a date for which was confirmed in September.

In his closing statement, McCoy claimed Rose and his two friends had committed rape. “They have no remorse, they are not apologetic,” he argued. “She [his client] is not looking for a quick dollar. She’s looking for accountability.”

Had the verdict gone the other way, the trio would not have faced jail time or a criminal conviction but would have had to pay damages. The plaintiff reportedly sought $21.5 million in compensation.

Depending on what happens today, Rose’s comeback story might not be as great as everyone is making it out to be. 

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