Dodgers are amongst the most acclaimed and regarded basketball teams from Los Angeles.
Over the weekend the group came under the spotlight when speculations and rumors
regarding the meeting between the team and the free agent Bryce Harper started emerging.
Check this out for the uproar the rumors caused.

There was a lot of buzzes, and even the fans of the team were anxious to know whether there
was any truth in this news. As per the report, the meeting took place over the weekend.
However, so far no confirmation came from the team members our officials of the team.

The rumors settled down, and anxious fans called down today when the manager of the
Dodgers Dave Roberts, confirmed the brews. He put a stop to all the speculations by
confirming the reports. According to him, the team nugget the agent this Saturday. The team
specially traveled to Las Vegas for the meeting. He stated that the meeting was not such a big
deal. The rumors and speculations made it seem like a big issue. However, although Dave
Roberts confirmed the news regarding the meeting yet, he looked very reserved and didn’t
share any insight or details about the meeting.

Even though the team’s manager stated that the purpose of the meeting was to improve the
team’s performance, many inside sources have signaled that the use of the meeting was to try
and work out a deal between the Dodgers and Harper. Harper is said to be interested in a long
term deal like the one it has with Phillies. However, Dodgers team players and officials are
also trying their level best to negotiate and land on an agreement that will be suitable for both

Stone sleeves have also gone flawed enough to state that the meeting was an indication that
both the parties have ended up on a deal and the meeting marked the finalization of the
agreement. However, some other sources state that the deal has not been confirmed so far and
the purpose of the meeting was to initiate the process by gathering both the stakeholders at
the same place.

Whatever the case may be, the purpose of the meeting, as well as the decision of Harper, will
be finalized till the end of this week, and we will surely get to know the whole reason behind
these efforts. Thus the fans need to wait till the end of this week to find out the complete