In a surprising move, the Miami Dolphins have released quarterback Josh Rosen instead of working out a trade for him.

It marks the second time a team has jettisoned Rosen over the past 17 months and puts a cap on an unsuccessful tenure in Miami. The Dolphins are admitting a mistake in trading for Rosen by giving up on him a year later. It also gives Rosen a fresh start and a rare third chance to salvage his NFL career.

Miami head coach Brian Flores called Rosen “immensely talented,” and praised the 23-year-old’s work ethic, but noted that not every trade or draft pick pans out as expected.

“You don’t hit on every player. On every trade. On every draft pick. Show me a team that’s hit on every one. And I’ll applaud that team,” Flores said. “So I’m not saying there is any regrets. In the moment we felt that was the best move for the Dolphins. So it didn’t work out. We’ve moved on from Josh. And we’ll leave it at that.”

Rosen, 23, is entering his third NFL season potentially with his third team.

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