CNN’s Don Lemon responds to President Donald Trump’s personal attack on himself and NBA star LeBron James, saying “referring to African-Americans as dumb is one of the oldest canards of racism in this country.”  

“Let me not mince words here. This president traffics in racism and is fueled by bullying. From keeping children at the border in cages to bullying journalists at his rallies every chance that he gets. President Trump is trying a divide and conquer strategy here and here’s how it goes,” he said.

“He is trying to divide by race and conquer decency by smearing and the truth and the people who fight to uphold it. I’ve wondered sometimes if he will succeed. If President Trump, if he’s the one who has the finger on the pulse of this country. Is he revealing who we really are? Think about that. Is this who we really are? The overwhelming negative response to his unfair and unkind attack on a good man, LeBron James, shows America rejects what he is peddling. Most of America anyway.”

Trump targets anyone and everyone. Who knows who he’ll target next? He was made for the 24 hour news cycle.