The Bill Simmons Media Group and its president, Eric Weinberger, “mutually agreed” to part ways two weeks ago, according to a statement released Tuesday by a company spokesman.  

Via the New York Times:

Ex-NFL Network Executive Producer Eric Weinberger and the Bill Simmons Media Group have come to a mutual agreement of parting ways after allegations of him sexually harassing NFL Network employee Jami Cantor 

Cantor filed a lawsuit against Weinberger which detailed how he sent nude photos to her along with inapproporate text messages. It was also said that he told her that she was put on earth to pleasure him, he put his penis on her shoulder, and told her to touch it.

Among other notable names at NFL Network being let go due to sexual harassment incidents are former players Donovan McNabb, Warren Sapp and Heath Evans.

Separately, another NFL Network executive, David Eaton, resigned in December after his history of sending sexually explicit tweets was reported.  

Sounds like their was a pattern of behavior at the NFL network.