A new season in Serie A has begun. It is easy to follow all its events on the sports statistics website. Find out football today scores and keep abreast of the events. You can also watch competitions of Juventus, for whom this campaign is extremely important.

Last season, the Old Signora failed to win the scudetto for the first time in 10 years. Furthermore, Juve managed to qualify for the Champions League only in the last round. The management realized that the team required drastic changes. Therefore, Max Allegri was appointed to the head coach position. But there were practically no changes in the composition for a long time. It was only in the second half of August that it became known that the club had signed a contract with Manuel Locatelli.

The Sassuolo midfielder moved to Juventus on a two-year loan. Locatelli was one of the Italian national team’s heroes of that triumphantly won Euro 2020. With his performance, he attracted attention of many top clubs.

However, Juventus acted be faster than its competitors and managed to offer the midfielder the best conditions. On the sports statistics website, you can easily find out, how this transfer will affect football scores of the team today. Here, only relevant data is available, which is updated in real time.

Despite the contract with Locatelli, it should be said that Juventus still needs to change its squad. First, it is too bloated. There are a lot of players whom the coach simply doesn’t need. Second, there is simply no alternative to aged veterans in many positions. Indeed, this can’t but confuse.

Serie A tables based on the results of the rounds played

It is clear that the Old Signora’s main goal in the current campaign is to return the championship title. In the Serie A tables last season, the team was unusually low. Now it’s time to make up for the lost positions. This may be facilitated by the fact that many direct competitors have become significantly weaker in summer. Inter have lost Lukaku, Hakimi and, what’s the most important, Conte. Donnaruma and Chalhanoglu left Milan as free agents. Juve had no such tangible losses.

Besides, among advantages Allegri’s team are the following:

  1. The leaders’ experience. They can distribute forces over a long distance to achieve the required result.
  2. Individual skill. For instance, Ronaldo. Indeed, Cristiano is already 36, but when he is in right shape, he scares rivals by his presence only.
  3. Excellent teamwork of the partners, many of whom have been in the same team for almost 10 years.

Therefore, it will be interesting to watch this team and see if it will manage to lead the tables Serie A again. Now, the chances of it are very high. So think experts and fans.