This is just sad, having your friends steal from you, while you’re doing your thing at practice. Two former Clemson football players allegedly stole money from the apartment of one of their former teammates, while his girlfriend was there and he was away at practice.   

Via Greenville News

Jadar Johnson, 22, and Charlie Fuller, 22, both part of Clemson’s 2016 national championship team, are charged with armed robbery and possession of a weapon during a violent crime. Co-defendant Quaven Maurice Ferguson, 22, faces the same charges in connection to the robbery, which occurred at an apartment on Sloan Street in Clemson around 4 p.m. March 28.

The victims were a 21-year-old male who lived at the apartment and a 20-year-old female who lived at a separate address, according to an incident report. Their names were redacted from a 911 tape and supplemental incident reports The Greenville News obtained through a Freedom of Information request.

In the 911 tape, a distressed caller reported the armed robbery.

“I’m pretty sure they’re on the football team because not only were they ginormous, but my boyfriend’s also on the football team, so I think they knew him from that,” she said to the dispatcher.

Two men in hoods with the drawstrings pulled tight forced their way into the apartment, holding a gun in her face, while she believed a third person served as the lookout, she said.

There was a scuffle and the female victim was thrown onto the bed, according to the supplemental report. She said they stole cash from the apartment and her phone.

You can listen to the full 911 call below.

Police identified Johnson, Fuller and Ferguson through surveillance video from a city of Clemson parking deck, according to warrants. The men were seen returning to a white, four-door Mercedes-Benz that is registered to a family member of one of the men, according to warrants.  

Athletes are always susceptible to this sort of thing, and are a target, especially when people know when they’re not home. A football player is either at practice, or on the road playing a game, you know exactly when he’s not around. Not very nice of his friends to rob him. You do the crime, you serve the time.