Canadians are born with a hockey stick in their hands, even if they’re born female. 

The Canadian hit the ice not long after she learned to walk, and by age 10 she was playing in the boys’ hockey league in her small town of Napanee, Ontario.

She went on to play for the girls’ hockey and baseball teams at Napanee District High School.

But at age 16, she hung up her skates after signing a recording contract, and by 17 she had broken onto the music scene with her debut album, “Let Go.” It sold 16 million copies and catapulted her to international stardom.

RELATED:  The LA Kings Looking Into Signing Paris Hilton As a Free Agent During Quarantine

Shortly after the Kings were inquiring about Paris Hilton, Avril’s name was brought up. 

Apparently she once even fought a goalie. 

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