Former NBA player Royce White says his basketball days are over as he prepares for a career in mixed martial arts.

White, a first-round draft pick of the Houston Rockets in 2012, said he believes he could one day compete for the UFC’s heavyweight belt.

White, who lives with an anxiety disorder, has been an outspoken advocate for mental health awareness in sports.

“I’ve always been a fan of the fight game since I was young,” White said. “I played point guard as a 265-pounder in the NCAA. In order to do so, not only do you have to have great court vision, you have to have great tempo and great footwork.

“Those things naturally translate to the fight game. I’m excited about it, but more so than anything, I’m excited about learning this thing that I’ve loved from the sidelines for so long, and applying it.”

Good luck to Royce White. 

Basketball is a lot easier than the fight game. 

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