Golden Knights winger Ryan Reaves laid a huge hit on Caps winger Tom Wilson earlier this week.  The dirty hit left Wilson with a concussion and Reaves with a controversy.

The controversy occurred when a memorabilia company begain selling Reaves autographed pictures of the hit on Wilson.  After some backlash the company took the photographs off of their website and the Golden Knights said they were destroyed.


Capitals fans, including the blog Russian Machine Never Breaks, took notice of the photograph and railed against it being in poor taste, considering that Wilson is currently out of the lineup because of the concussion.

On Thursday afternoon, Inscriptagraphs removed the photo from its website, and a copy of it that had been for sale on eBay was taken down as well.

It doesn’t look like brain injuries in the NHL are taken as seriously as they are in the NFL.  Not only did Reaves autograph photos of the play, the NHL didn’t discipline him for the hit, because the two had been going after each other all game.

A wild move in this day and age, but one you can’t help but respect.  You play with fire in the NHL, you might just get burned.