Golf coach and SiriusXM host has made racist and sexist remarks on his radio show, drawn the ire of Michelle Wie and Tiger Woods and found himself suspended from work.

That was all before he doubled down on the comments that got him in trouble in the first place.

Now he’s taking on Woods, his former student who worked with him through his rise as the world’s greatest golfer before a contentious split in 2010.

Tiger responded last week to Haney’s suspension from his radio show for remarks about the U.S. Women’s Open that belittled women golfers and played on Korean stereotypes.

“Just can’t look at life like that,” Woods said after his second round at the Memorial. “And he obviously said what he meant, and he got what he deserved.”

After a few days to digest Woods’ comments, Haney responded Tuesday on Twitter.  

“Amazing how Tiger Woods now has become the moral authority on issues pertaining to women,” Haney wrote. “I spent 6 years coaching Tiger, and not one time did he ever hear me utter one sexist or racist word. Now, in addition to being a 15-time major champion, I guess he also thinks he’s a mind reader. #glasshouses”

Well that was pretty harsh. 

Tiger should have known Haney isn’t s afraid to go hard at people. 

Shots fired. 

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